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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Citation :
« Among the early films designed to present and explain the myriad communications activities of the General Post Office were Cable Ship, Six-Thirty Collection, Weather Forecast, Under the City, and Droitwich. [...] Weather Forecast (1934) is the most sophisticated of these early films, for here director Evelyn Spice has presented not only the general aspects of the forecasting methods, but also the dramatic effect of such broadcasts on a specific group of ships, aircraft pilots, and farmers. The film's use of direct sound effects is distinctive, and it makes its major points through these and through visual images, rather than through straight narrative. »
-- Richard Meran Barsam

Source :
BARSAM, Richard Meran. Nonfiction Film: A Critical History, New York, Dutton, 1973. [en anglais] (p. 50)