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Citation :
« Without grounding in anthropological literature [...] she [Laura Boulton] often relied on hearsay or rumor while in the field. Hence, she occasionally believed, without justification, that she witnessed phenomena never before seen by an outsider. Making films without established scientific, technical, and aesthetic principles is surely presumptuous. Nonetheless, as both [John] Grierson and Boulton demonstrate, it is a risk worth taking, particularly when one's subject is fast disappearing from the face of the world. »
-- Robert McMillan

Source :
MCMILLAN, Robert. « Ethnology and the N.F.B.: The Laura Boulton Mysteries », Canadian Journal of Film Studies / Revue canadienne d'études cinématographiques, vol. 1, no. 2 (printemps 1991). (p. 80) [en anglais]