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Citation :
« [In My Legacy] I wanted to show off my family and community, and that's where I'm from. I always say I come from the land of hockey, horses and hunting, and I love it. Revolving a lot of the [scenes] around cultural aspects, like just showing up at my auntie's house and she's in the midst of berries, that is real. With language, it's a reflection of what home is for me; it's half English, half Tsilhqot'in. Some of my family is more comfortable in the language, some interchange back and forth between the two. There was no forcing [for the film to be in one language or the other], it was just how people chose to talk. »
-- Helen Haig-Brown

Source :
MUSKRAT MAGAZINE. « My Legacy interview with courageous filmmaker Helen Haig-Brown », entretien avec Helen Haig-Brown, Muskrat Magazine, 5 février 2014. [en anglais]