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Citation :
« [Christmas at Moose Factory] features a fluid montage of children's drawings made by the Swampy Cree children at a residential school on the shore of the James Bay in Northern Ontario. In poignant voiceover, the children narrate their drawings about Christmas. The narration is accompanied by haunting sound effects and music, such as the wind blowing, dogs howling, and 'Jesus Loves Me' sung in Cree. While not technically animated, the camera moves over the drawings with loving attention, bringing them to life for the viewer. [Alanis] Obomsawin's film calls attention to one of the most shameful aspects of Canada's history in a moving and subtle way. It is heartbreaking to think of the children isolated from their parents by the residential school system, particularly during the Christmas season. »
-- Jennifer Gauthier

Source :
GAUTHIER, Jennifer. « New Vistas? Aboriginal Animation and Digital Dreams at the National Film Board of Canada », Continuum, vol. 28, no. 4 (juillet 2014). (p. 470) [en anglais]