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Citation :
« Hinduism is very rich with ritual. Therefore, I structured the screenplay around the five central rituals performed by the mother in order to show an arc. [...] Then it was really important to make a cut from a Hindu ritual to a very dyke scene in the East Village, just to constantly show the difference and at the same time the similarity. A lot of the movie is about family and what families go through to stay together. So Reena has this family she's created with her American friends, and she also has this Indian family, which performs all these rituals. Of course there are also rituals in American culture and in girl culture. »
-- Nisha Ganatra

Source :
WEST, Dennis et Joan M. WEST « Dishing up comedy spiced with chutney: An interview with Nisha Ganatra », entretien avec Nisha Ganatra, Cineaste, vol. 26, no. 2, printemps 2001. [en anglais]