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Citation :
« The script [for Sgaaway K'uuna] is based on traditional stories that have been told in Haida society since time immemorial with Gwaai Edenshaw and Helen Haig-Brown in the co-directors chair. Sgaawaay K'uuna is the first feature film spoken entirely in the Haida language and using Haida actors, a process inspired [by] Zacharias Kunuk's Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner. [...] The entire cast did an incredibly believable job with the script. [Tyler] York's committed performance takes centre stage for most of the film as he goes from a grieving family member to full-on 'crazy', making me gasp at times during his transition. »
-- Erica Commanda

Source :
COMMANDA, Erica. « Sgaaway K'uuna – Bringing the Gaagiixid to the big screen », critique de Sgaaway K'uuna, Muskrat Magazine, 19 octobre 2018. [en anglais]