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Citation :
« [The Native Brotherhood and Sisterhood] were able to bring many people together across a huge nation when there was no Internet and no social media. When we look at the movements in our time like Idle No More and Standing Rock, so much of their success was attributed to the ability to create awareness through social media and to let people know what really was going on and to ignite them to want to be involved in it. That's what The Native Voice did and that's what the Native Brotherhood and Sisterhood did. That's what all these community leaders have always done. The fact that they did that without these tools that we now have is pretty amazing. »
-- Marie Clements

Source :
COMMANDA, Erica. « Marie Clements believes change is coming in The Road Forward », entretien avec Marie Clements, Muskrat Magazine, 6 mai 2017. [en anglais]