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Réalisé par Mayumi Yoshida
Canada, 2017 (fiction, 10 minutes, couleurs, anglais / japonais)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« Akashi is told through intertwining stories of love that transcends generations and continents. Kana is a Japanese painter living abroad having relationship problems. When her grandmother passes, Kana is forced to reflect on the truth of her grandparents relationship and her own life. Akashi is a story about living with choices and the grace of accepting when there isn't one. »
-- Vancouver Short Film Festival (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Mayumi Yoshida
Produit par : Nach Dudsdeemaytha, Phil Planta, Adam Van Steinburg, Mayumi Yoshida
Interprètes principaux : Mayumi Yoshida, Lou Ticzon, Yasuko Takahashi, Hiro Kanagawa, Yayoi Hirano, Emi Kamito, Linda Uyehara Hoffman
Images : Adam Van Steinburg
Montage images : Shun Ando
Musique : João Gabriel Rodrigues

Notes sur Akashi


Sites Web sur Akashi

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