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réalisatrices canadiennes
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A Salt in the Park

Réalisé par Michael Snow et Joyce Wieland
Canada, 1959 (expérimental, 4 minutes, noir et blanc)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« In this parody of a silent-movie cliché, Joyce [Wieland] plays the Lillian Gish-type damsel in distress, Robert Cowan is the trench-coated villain flashing 'feelthy' pictures, and Michael [Snow], an innocent passer-by becomes the hero. Warren Collins comprises the entire crew. »
-- Iris Nowell (source)


Notes sur A Salt in the Park


Citation sur A Salt in the Park [en anglais]

« [Joyce Wieland's] filmography begins with Tea in the Garden (1958), as a co-production with [Warren] Collins, and A Salt in the Garden (1959), co-produced with [Michael] Snow. (The dates 1958 and 1959 are misleading in that the films were actually shot in 1953 and 1954, while the group was working at Graphic Associates; however, the films were completed those few years later when soundtracks and titles were added.) »
-- Iris Nowell (source)

Bibliographie sur A Salt in the Park

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