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réalisatrices canadiennes
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A War Story

Réalisé par Anne Wheeler
Canada, 1982 (documentaire / fiction, 82 minutes, noir et blanc, anglais)
A War Story
Image : © Office national du film du Canada
Vidéo (Office national du film du Canada) [anglais]

Description du film [en anglais] :
« 'How little a list of casualties tells the real story of war.' Based on the diaries of Canadian doctor Ben Wheeler during his internment in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp during World War II, this feature docudrama is not a 'war story' in the conventional sense of strategy and battles, but rather a glowing account of the spirit and its will to survive physical and mental suffering. Newsreel footage of the fall of Singapore (where Major Wheeler was captured) has been interwoven with dramatic reconstructions of scenes inside the mining camp and interviews with survivors. »
-- National Film Board of Canada (source)

Description du film :
« Documentaire dramatique inspiré du journal du père de la réalisatrice, le docteur Ben Wheeler, pendant sa période de détention dans un camp japonais. »
-- Jana Vosikovska (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Anne Wheeler
Produit par : Tom Radford, Anne Wheeler, Michael Scott
Interprètes principaux : David Edney, Frank C. Turner, Doug Kier, Doug Bagot, W. Forrest Macdonald, Patrick McGuigan, Dean Stoker, Alan Stebbings, Gerry Whelpton, Tom Whitton, Cecil Grinstead, Rodrigue Deschênes
Narrateur : Donald Sutherland, Anne Wheeler
Images : Robert Nichol, Ron Orieux
Montage images : Ray Harper
Musique : Maurice Marshall
Société de production : National Film Board of Canada / Office national du film du Canada

Notes sur A War Story

Notes disponibles seulement en anglais : (sources)

Citation de la réalisatrice [en anglais]

« I felt the limitations of documentary filmmaking with A War Story. Often you are bound by your research and personal connections. I felt protective of my parents. And when I took a group of men back to where the camp had been, I felt exploitive. [...] It was horrendous what they had endured, and now I was forcing them to relive what they had spent most of their lives trying to forget. »
-- Anne Wheeler (source)

Bibliographie sur A War Story

Articles de revues scientifiques

Articles de journaux, de revues grand public ou de sites d'information en ligne

Sites Web sur A War Story

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