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Réalisé par Anne Wheeler
Canada, 2003 (fiction, 120 minutes, couleurs, anglais)
Autre titre : « Abus de confiance »
Image : ©

Description du film [en anglais] :
« A dramatic television movie chronicling a fictional small town suffering from an outbreak of severe water contamination. [...] Inspired by recent events in Canada and abroad, Betrayed stars Kari Matchett [...] as Judy Bryce, a recently divorced young mother who returns to her hometown and her father (Michael Hogan [...]), the town water manager. However, Judy's new job as a nurse's aid soon plunges her into the horror of a deadly public health epidemic when it is revealed that E.coli has contaminated the town's water supply. When the small community can no longer cope with the strain of the epidemic, it's a race against the clock to determine the true source of the contamination. »
-- (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Jeremy Hole, Anne Wheeler
Produit par : Laszlo Barna, Kevin DeWalt, Phyllis Platt
Interprètes principaux : Cavan Cunningham, David Geiss, B.J. Harris, Larry Heisler, Michael Hogan, Hiro Kanagawa, Kari Matchett, Andrea Menard, Aislinn Paul, Raoul Trujillo, Janet Wright
Images : A.J. Vesak
Montage images : Jackie Dzuba
Musique : Schaun Tozer
Société de production : Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Notes sur Betrayed


Citation de la réalisatrice [en anglais]

« I think [Betrayed] is a very political movie. It's also actually a romance. [...] The story really is about a family, and a lot of family secrets, and family relationships that change dramatically. »
-- Anne Wheeler (source)

Publications de la réalisatrice sur Betrayed

Sites Web sur Betrayed

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