Réalisé par Margaret Wescott |
Canada, 1978 (documentaire, 52 minutes, couleurs, anglais) |
Image : © Office national du film du Canada |
Description du film [en anglais] : « Film animator Eve Lambart spent over thirty years working at the National Film Board, and now she has retired. This retirement means many things to her: gardening, sewing, baking and preserving, weaving, and even filmmaking in her own animation studio during her 'spare' time. Always an individualist, she is enjoying her self-contained new lifestyle to the fullest. » -- National Film Board of Canada (source) |
Générique (partiel) : | |
Produit par : | Margaret Wescott, Edward Le Lorrain, Wolf Koenig, Kathleen Shannon |
Images : | Wolf Koenig |
Montage images : | Margaret Wescott |
Société de production : | National Film Board of Canada / Office national du film du Canada |
Générique additionnel : | Commentary [commentaire]: Robert Duncan |