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Keepers of the Fire

Réalisé par Christine Welsh
Canada, 1994 (documentaire, 55 minutes, couleurs, anglais)
Keepers of the Fire
Image : © Office national du film du Canada

Description du film [en anglais] :
« For half of a millennium, Indigenous women have been at the forefront of their peoples' resistance to cultural assimilation. Today, they are still fighting for the survival of their cultures and their peoples—in the rain forest and the city, in the courts and the legislatures, in the Longhouse and the media. Keepers of the Fire profiles Indigenous 'warrior women' in Canada who are protecting and defending their land, their culture and their people in the time-honoured tradition of their foremothers. »
-- National Film Board of Canada (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Christine Welsh
Produit par : Ian Herring, Christine Welsh, Signe Johansson, Joe MacDonald, Michael Chechik
Images : Philip Earnshaw
Montage images : Lara Mazur
Musique : Martin Gotfrit
Société de production : Omni Film Productions Ltd., National Film Board of Canada / Office national du film du Canada

Sites Web sur Keepers of the Fire

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