Description du film : « Louky Bersianik, Jovette Marchessault et Nicole Brossard, trois auteures québécoises à la fois respectées et controversées se racontent... Elles parlent avec la même liberté et la même vérité que dans leurs oeuvres, de leur évolution, de leur écriture et de leur engagement féministe. » -- Office national du film du Canada
Description du film [en anglais] : « Firewords offers an intimate glimpse of three respected yet controversial Québec writers. Now recognized at home and abroad, Louky Bersianik, Jovette Marchessault and Nicole Brossard have contributed greatly to the creation of a distinctive women's literature. Confirming that fresh approaches to literature are still possible, they have helped to heighten the awareness of the politics of language. Excerpts from their works vividly convey each woman's style, concerns and rhythms. They examine personal and global issues from a feminist perspective: human relationships, work, justice, poverty, loneliness, women's spirituality, and the future. » -- National Film Board of Canada