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Passion: A Letter in 16mm

Réalisé par Patricia Rozema
Canada, 1985 (fiction, 28 minutes, couleurs, anglais)
Passion: A Letter in 16mm
Image : ©

Description du film [en anglais] :
« The film takes the form of an extremely intimate 'Letter in 16 mm' from Anna, normally a documentary filmmaker, to her unidentified lover. From the first 'exquisite ache' of romantic passion to her final drunken and solitary 'dance with success,' Anna struggles with an all-too-prevalent problem in this achievement-oriented age: Is it possible to balance a passion for excellence with a passion for intimacy? Are obsessions mutually exclusive? »
-- (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Patricia Rozema
Produit par : Patricia Rozema, Alexandra Raffé
Interprètes principaux : Linda Griffiths, John Allen, Karen Hardess, Phil Smith
Images : Peter Mettler
Musique : John Switzer

Notes sur Passion: A Letter in 16mm


Citation de la réalisatrice

« L'idée m'est venue d'un poème de Margaret Atwood. Un poème qui m'a énormément touchée. Et je me suis dit: 'On peut écrire une chanson d'amour, un poème d'amour, une lettre d'amour, pourquoi pas un film d'amour?'. »
-- Patricia Rozema (source)

Citation de la réalisatrice [en anglais]

« The conceit [for Passion: A Letter in 16mm] was the closeted director's way of presenting a story about a relationship without ever having to reveal the gender of the person she's in love with, [and] the lover is definitely a woman. »
-- Patricia Rozema (source)

Citation sur Passion: A Letter in 16mm [en anglais]

« Anna (Linda Griffiths) is a woman whose single-minded obsession with presenting herself 'professionally' has disastrous consequences in ther private life. Passion, the film, becomes the medium through which Anna attempts to communicate with the lover from whom she has become alienated. »
-- Robert L. Cagle (source)

Bibliographie sur Passion: A Letter in 16mm

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Sites Web sur Passion: A Letter in 16mm

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