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Recherche rapide par nom de famille

Raising Cassidy

Réalisé par Nadine Pequeneza
Canada, 2003 (documentaire, 70 minutes, couleurs, anglais)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« Cheryl is a 33-year-old former stripper and crack cocaine addict and she's eight months pregnant. Her mum's an alcoholic who never wanted kids, her dad's a strip club owner who loves her but is burnt out from her 16-year crack addiction, her aunt's a dealer. She's already lost three daughters to the Children's Aid Society, and she desperately wants to raise this baby. Filmed over two years in strip clubs, hospitals, lawyer's offices, recovery homes and Cheryl's apartment, Nadine Pequeneza tracks the determination of a woman whose character and fierce love for her daughter gets her off crack, fighting the odds against relapse. Gritty footage, raw emotions and the pleasure of watching Cassidy grow from an infant to a funny and rambunctious toddler make this a must-see. »
-- Lynne Fernie (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Nadine Pequeneza
Produit par : Andrea Nemtin, Nadine Pequeneza
Images : Peter Walker
Montage images : Ricardo Acosta
Musique : David Johanns
Société de production : HitPlay Productions

Notes sur Raising Cassidy


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