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Older than America

Réalisé par Georgina Lightning
États-Unis, 2008 (fiction, 101 minutes, couleurs, anglais)
Autres titres : « American Evil », « Segreti dal passato »

Description du film [en anglais] :
« A woman's haunting visions reveal a Catholic priest's sinister plot to silence her mother from speaking the truth about the atrocities that occurred at a Native American boarding school. A contemporary drama of suspense, Older than America focuses on the lasting impact of the cultural genocide that occurred at such schools. »
-- Tribal Alliance Productions (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Georgina Lightning, Christine Kunewa Walker
Produit par : Christine Kunewa Walker, Audrey Martinez, Adam Beach
Interprètes principaux : Adam Beach, Tantoo Cardinal, Bradley Cooper, Glen Gould, Dan Harrison, Georgina Lightning, Chris Mulkey, Wes Studi, Steve Yoakam, Sarah Agnew
Images : Shane F. Kelly
Montage images : Clayton Condit, Michael R. Miller
Musique : George S. Clinton
Société de production : Tribal Alliance Productions

Notes sur Older than America


Citations de la réalisatrice [en anglais]

« I thought it [making Older than America] would be very difficult, but I was just honest with the crew and said, 'This is my first time. Teach me everything.' And people were really supportive and excited about that. The people who worked with us, these are people who want to be invested in something that matters. [...] When I went to Fond du Lac [Reservation in Minnesota], they opened their arms. There's not one person there who hasn't been affected by the boarding schools, so they gave us everything we needed: location, extras. They piled dirt for us, they cleared things. We got our hotel at a discount, and all that extra money we put on screen. And all this, they said, 'We'll give it to you on one condition: you have to let us have a feast and a wrap party for you.' That was the condition. They were really wonderful. »
-- Georgina Lightning (source)

« It's all about the next generation. They're the ones who give me inspiration and purpose; everything I do is aimed at my kids, and, hopefully, my grandchildren. Creating social change in the world, that's what's exciting to me, and that was the initiative for the film [Older than America]. »
-- Georgina Ligtning (source)

Bibliographie sur Older than America

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