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réalisatrices canadiennes
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The Morning Zoo

Réalisé par Daisy Lee
Canada, 1989 (documentaire, 25 minutes, couleurs, anglais)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« This is a film about one morning's activity in North America's largest wholesale fresh produce marketplace, the Ontario Food Terminal. It is a personal story told by independent film-maker Daisy Lee, herself a farmer's child, and used to the daily routine of picking, transporting and selling produce. »
-- WorldCat (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Société de production : Grindstone Films

Citation sur The Morning Zoo [en anglais]

« [In The Morning Zoo], some of the traders explain that for themselves, as penniless immigrants, with little education and no connections in the new world, farming was the only means of survival. The children of these pioneers reminisce about the struggle and hardship they have endured. Many of these second- and third-generation Ontarians are now successful traders in their own right, who still frequent the Morning Zoo. One of them, a woman, has her own story to tell of the additional strain placed on her to be 'one of the guys' if she wanted to succeed against all the odds. Which she has. »
-- Joan McGrath (source)

Bibliographie sur The Morning Zoo

Articles de journaux, de revues grand public ou de sites d'information en ligne

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