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La fiancée de la vie

Directed by Carole Laganière
Canada, 2001 (documentary, 52 minutes, colour, French)
Also known as "The Fiancée of Life"

Film Description [in French] :
"Un proverbe malaysien dit que la mort est la fiancée de la vie, que l'une et l'autre sont unies par une sorte de promesse. Inséparables. Pourtant, nous vivons dans une société où l'on éloigne les vivants des morts, où tout est mis en oeuvre pour minimiser l'impact de la mort sur les vivants. Ce refus d'affronter la mort nous amène tout naturellement, lorsqu'elle survient, à couvrir nos enfants d'un infini silence protecteur. Dans ce documentaire, la réalisatrice Carole Laganière évoque les silences de son enfance et donne la parole à des enfants qui ont vécu la mort d'un proche, qui se sont retrouvés un jour face à un «plus jamais» aussi injuste qu'inexplicable."
-- (source)

Film Description:
"We often try to protect children—and maybe ourselves—from difficult situations by staying silent about topics we think are sad or difficult. In Fiancée of Life, Carole Laganière confronts that construct by interviewing children who have lost a parent or sibling to illness, suicide or accidental death. With delicate questions, Laganière provides a space for them to speak honestly—and often profoundly—about their feelings on death. Their insights are sad, sweet and surprising. As often seems to be the case, children are more aware than many of the adults around them give them credit for. In providing a space for them to openly explore their thoughts and ideas, Laganière provides a space for her audience to do the same. Not just about death, but about how we approach difficult subjects in our own families and lives."
-- Sarafina DiFelice (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Carole Laganière
Produced by: Alain Corneau
Participants: Michaël Bouchard-Moore, Frédéric Côté, Rosalie Del'Aniello Thiffault, Virginie Del'Aniello Thiffault, Loïc Ferland, Karine Harpin, Charlie-Audrey Plante, Marie-Clara Rousseau
Cinematography: Gilbert Lemire
Film Editing: France Dubé
Music: Bertrand Chénier
Production Company: Les productions de la Chasse-Galerie

Notes about La fiancée de la vie


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