Base de données sur les 
réalisatrices canadiennes
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After the Vote

Réalisé par Bonnie Kreps
Canada, 1969 (documentaire, 22 minutes, noir et blanc, anglais)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« Serious and comic picture of the effects of sex role stereotypes. Professor Ron Lambart, a Canadian psychologist, and Ti-Grace Atkinson, provide the perspective. »
-- Odeon Films (source)

Description du film :
« Documentaire féministe sur les droits des femmes avec références aux statistiques canadiennes. »
-- Jana Vosikovska (source)


Notes sur After the Vote


Citations sur After the Vote [en anglais]

« Now [After the Vote] seems an astonishingly lucid document for its time, the first wedge in the closed door on women's issues in Canadian documentaries since the war. »
-- Barbara Halpern Martineau (source)

« After The Vote is part and parcel of the feminist movement in Canada and raises the question of what we've gained since we got the vote: very little. We are still exploited as workers, overworked and guilted as housewives and mothers, seduced by the fraudulent appeals to our sexuality and patronized as thinkers. »
-- Myrna Kostash (source)

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