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Epiphany Rules

Réalisé par Paula Kelly
Canada, 1999 (fiction, 25 minutes, couleurs, anglais)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« This is a tightly-written, wonderfully-directed story of three people living on the margins, whose fates collide in a cloud of unrequited love and loneliness. Trevor is the middle-aged survivor of his first heart attack whose fantasy life has begun to replace the real world; Candace is an inner-city prisoner-of-war in her own home who will do anything to escape; and Riel is the charismatic hustler who offers them both instant gratification as a substitute for love. In only 25 minutes, Ms. Kelly has drawn three definitive characters, caught up in a strong plot line, that perfectly sums up what French filmmaker Jean Luc Godard observed years ago: 'A film should only be the length it needs to tell the story.' Paula Kelly's film brings Godard's illuminating truth to light. »
-- The Mag Film Fest (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Paula Kelly
Produit par : Elizabeth Jarvis
Interprètes principaux : Katelynd Johnston, Debbie Patterson, Jan Skene, Jeff Skinner, Gordon Tanner
Société de production : Buffalo Gal Pictures

Notes sur Epiphany Rules


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