Directed by Patricia Gruben |
Canada, 1977 (experimental, 16 minutes, black and white) |
Image: © Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre |
Film Description: "A woman's attempt to keep chaos at bay by naming, classifying, and ordering her domestic environment. This ultimately results in a total loss of ego and verbal capacity. Through the innovative juxtaposition of printed text, graphics, step printing, and disintegrating soundtrack, [Patricia] Gruben constructs a narrative breakdown that parallels the unconscious patterning of her character's mind." -- Richard Stanford (source)
Film Description [in French] : |
"Patricia Gruben used animation to solve narrative problems in [...] The Central Character, a film about groceries, kitchen floors, and entropy, using a printed text as well as diagrams, stock footage, and step-printing of live action. By the end of the film the woman is central to the cosmos."
-- Barbara Halpern Martineau