Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Patricia Gruben (partial data)

Countries: Canada / United States
Born: 1948

Films directed by Patricia Gruben

Quotes about Patricia Gruben

"The extension of experimental interest to alternative forms of narrative, particularly in its association with particular feminist projects (the so-called New Narrative), is illustrated in the work of Vancouver's Patricia Gruben (Sifted Evidence, 1982 and Low Visibility, 1984), and in a different way in Kay Armatage's Storytelling (1983), in which the interlacing of seven storytelling performances reveals constants of story form to which she refuses narrative closure."
-- David Clandfield (source)

"Never at rest in a particular genre, moving through experimental, narrative, and documentary modes, [Patricia] Gruben's thematic interrogations always include an excavation of inherited forms and an interrogation of the limits of representation itself. Within this diversity of styles and subjects there are two common and interwoven elements: 'failed' quests and limited vision."
-- Susan Lord (source)

"Gruben, one of Canada's most respected avant-garde filmmakers, emigrated to Canada from Texas in 1972 and has taught film at Simon Fraser University since 1984."
-- Wyndham Wise (source)

For QUOTES about a specific film by Patricia Gruben, please see:   The Central Character    Sifted Evidence    Low Visibility    Deep Sleep    Ley Lines   

Notes about Patricia Gruben


Bibliography for Patricia Gruben

Section 1: Publications about Patricia Gruben

Book Chapters

Section 2: Publications about the Films of Patricia Gruben

Sifted Evidence (1982)

Book Chapters

Brief Sections of Books

Low Visibility (1984)

Brief Sections of Books

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Deep Sleep (1990)

Brief Sections of Books

Ley Lines (1993)

Brief Sections of Books

Archival Collections

These archival institutions have holdings related to Patricia Gruben or her films:

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