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Réalisé par Ellie Epp
Canada / Royaume-Uni, 1976 (expérimental, 18 minutes, couleurs)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« Trapline represents a new way of considering film as a vehicle of projected movement... The film is composed entirely of static camera shots. »
-- Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre' (source)


Citations sur Trapline [en anglais]

« Because the space within the frame contains little to hold our interest, our attention is drawn to the source of the sounds emanating from off-screen locations. By placing so much of the content of the film in the off-screen sound and by using shots of prolonged durations, Epp suggests the notion of absence that resides in photographic representation. »
-- R. Bruce Elder (source)

« Several filmmakers continue to explore space and landscape on film. [...] Ellie Epp's Trapline (1975) is the most cooly beautiful of all: filmed in the Kensington baths, London, it sets a sequence of geometrically organized shots, outwardly but gently alive with light changes, ripples and reflections, within the continuous, distantly reverberant sound space of the entire building. »
-- Tony Reif (source)

Bibliographie sur Trapline

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