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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Friendly Interchange

Réalisé par Alma Duncan
Canada, 1959 (animation, 10 minutes, couleurs, anglais)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« Animated from chalk drawings by artist Alma Duncan and filmed by photographer Audrey MacLaren, the short film is about the exchange of goods over the American/Canadian border and the relationship forged and fostered by two trading nations sharing one very long border. »
-- Library and Archives Canada (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Produit par : Audrey McLaren, Alma Duncan
Musique : Frederick Karam
Société de production : Dunclaren Productions

Citations sur Friendly Interchange [en anglais]

« In 1951, funded by the steel industry, Dunclaren Productions produced their last film entitled Friendly Interchange. [...] chronicling the trade relationship between Canada and the United States of America between the 18th century and the Cold War period [...]. Alma Duncan included 150 colourful drawings representing the Steep Rock Iron Mine. »
-- Jaclyn Meloche (source)

« It took the two women [Alma Duncan and Audrey McLaren] a year to make the 10-minute film [Friendly Interchange], which has 14,500 still pictures they drew and photographed separately. »
-- Montreal Gazette (source)

Bibliographie sur Friendly Interchange

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