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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Chinese Chocolate

Réalisé par Qi Chang et Yan Cui
Canada, 1995 (fiction, 99 minutes, couleurs, anglais)
Autre titre : « Luo niao »

Description du film [en anglais] :
« Following their dreams to the West, two young Chinese women journey to Canada on the same plane in 1986. A sensual story about searching for love in a strange land. »
-- WorldCat (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Yan Cui, Qi Chang
Source originale : Luo niao, un roman de Qi Chang
Produit par : Stacey Donen, Yan Cui, Qi Chang, You Ming Cheng, Anne Szamosi, James Purcell
Interprètes principaux : Diana Peng, Shirley Cui [Yan Cui], Bo Z. Wang, James Purcell, Henry Wang, Fei Gao
Images : Michael Spicer
Montage images : Edmond Chan
Musique : George Shao-qing Gao, Allan Mah
Société de production : Good Choice Film Productions

Prix décerné à Chinese Chocolate

Citation de la réalisatrice [en anglais]

« It's obvious Westerners have this rigid image of the Chinese. They tend to lump us together as one. I think this film [Chinese Chocolate] will certainly change that image and surprise many. It's not a black or white image we present—our characters come in all shades. Just like everyone else. »
-- Yan Cui (source)

Citation sur Chinese Chocolate [en anglais]

« Writers and directors Yan Cui and Qi Chang take a sardonic look at life in a Westernized city where everyone seems to be on the make and where it's almost impossible not to be cheated and betrayed. Men, whether Chinese or Western, are seen to be utterly untrustworthy, and, as the very opening sequence suggests, women may decide that the company of other women is a preferable option to a hetero lifestyle. »
-- David Stratton (source)

Bibliographie sur Chinese Chocolate

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