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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Bowie: One in a Million

Réalisé par Janis Cole
Canada, 2001 (documentaire, 10 minutes, couleurs, anglais)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« This searing portrait pays homage to Cathy Bowie, a vibrant young woman whose life became a headline story and then faded to a statistic after she was murdered in her home by her husband George Jackson. »
-- Spectrum Films (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Janis Cole
Société de production : Spectrum Films

Notes sur Bowie: One in a Million


Citation sur Bowie: One in a Million [en anglais]

« This devastating short film speaks to the mature economy of Cole's recent writing, to her enduring commitment to women, and to the social injustices that must continue to be criticized and resisted. »
-- Kay Armatage (source)

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