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Moose River Crossing

Réalisé par Shirley Cheechoo
Canada, 2013 (fiction, 92 minutes, couleurs, anglais)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« Six childhood friends and former residential school students meet at the train station to travel to their school reunion. It's been eighteen years. Excited yet apprehensive they greet each other with the warmth of friends past and do the preverbal 'catch up.' As the minutes move to hours and a derailed train delays their travel, these six adults flash to the past; the love, the lies, the pain of childhood lost and finally resolution. Their reunion insulated in the stark lobby of the train station, proves to be the door that opens a path to healing. »
-- WorldCat (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Shirley Cheecho
Produit par : Shirley Cheecho, James Mou, Thomas Yee
Interprètes principaux : Brigitte Yang, Micheline Blais, Douglas Bedard, Matthew Manitowabi, Cameron Skura, Cherilyn Panamick
Images : Duraid Munajim
Montage images : Nano Debassige
Musique : Donald Quan
Société de production : Spoken Song Productions, Acuity Entertainment

Notes sur Moose River Crossing


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