Base de données sur les 
réalisatrices canadiennes
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Recherche rapide par nom de famille

It's a Party!

Réalisé par Peg Campbell
Canada, 1986 (fiction, 12 minutes, couleurs, anglais)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« It's a Party! was shot with a stationary camera facing the hallway and living room of a small apartment. Actors continually move in and out of the frame, while three sound units capture every word of deathless dialogue about those perennial party topics: art, politics, and sex. Chaos begins with the arrival of the first guest just as the hostess finishes washing her hair; subsequent guests crowd into any room but the living room, and a riotous conga line attempts to incorporate an irate neighbour. As the party winds down, some uninvited guests arrive and chaos reigns again. »
-- Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre (source)


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