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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Another Planet

Réalisé par Christene Browne
Canada, 1999 (fiction, 93 minutes, couleurs, anglais / français)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« Feeling trapped by life in her low-income community, and unable to relate to her brother or her overly pious mother, Cassandra decides to leave town. She applies and is accepted into an exchange program between Quebec and West Africa. When she reaches her Quebec destination, a pig farm, she encounters, Sylvie, a woman in need of change, her husband, Luc, a man afraid of change and Abdoulaye, her African exchange counter-part, a man who regrets his decision to seek change. Because none of her expectations are met, Cassandra quickly becomes unhappy on the farm. »
-- WorldCat (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Christene Brown
Produit par : Christene Brown
Interprètes principaux : Sandy Daley, Monique MacDonald, Daniel Lévesque, Marcia Brown, Kevin White, Tiemoko Simaga, Mathieu Dutan, Panchetta S. Barnett
Images : Candide Franklyn
Montage images : Lee Michael Scarles
Musique : Donald Quan
Société de production : Syncopated Productions

Bibliographie sur Another Planet

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Sites Web sur Another Planet

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