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Du teweikan à l'électro : voyage aux sources de la musique autochtone -- Description du film [en anglais] :
« Moe Clark is a folk singer, Pakesso Mukash an electronic-music DJ and Shauit a reggae singer. These three young Indigenous singer-songwriters come from different nations (Métis, Cree/Abenaki, Innu), and play radically different styles of music with a wide range of influences. In front of Kim O'Bomsawin's camera—captured on stage, during recording sessions and in their communities—they show the same determination to make their cultural heritage part of their chosen contemporary music genre. As Pakesso Mukash (DJ KXO) explains, the distinctive sound of the teweikan, a traditional drum that produces particularly deep vibrations, is like an ancestral subwoofer. A fascinating look at the power of inherited traditions and their importance to contemporary Indigenous music. »
-- Quartier des spectacles Montréal

Source :
"Quartier des spectacles Montréal" Partenariat du Quartier des spectacles. [English / French]