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Water Marks -- Description du film [en anglais] :
« Water Marks opens with the stunningly beautiful image of a mist-enshrouded ferry arriving at Mayne Island off the coast of BC, reversing the last image that nine year-old Beth and seven year-old Christine had of their father being taken away on a police boat, after his arrest in 1975 for the murder of their mother, Canadian poet Pat Lowther. 'How do you survive the murder of your mother at the hands of your father?' Seeking to answer this question and draw closer to the mother they lost too young, Lowther's daughters revisit the sites of their childhood memories before the murder and share the experiences of the ten years in which they were separated into dysfunctional foster homes. But it's the discovery of a previously unknown box of Lowther's poetry and letters that provides their most astonishing link to the past. »
-- Lynne Fernie

Source :
"Hot Docs" Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival.