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The New Corporation: The Unfortunately Necessary Sequel -- Description du film [en anglais] :
« The sequel to The Corporation exposes how companies are desperately rebranding as socially responsible—and how that threatens democratic freedoms. The operative word in Joel Bakan and Jennifer Abbott's The New Corporation: The Unfortunately Necessary Sequel is, of course, 'necessary.' This sequel updates the themes explored in the award-winning The Corporation [...]. The original film reacted to legal decisions that defined corporations as persons, and gave them the same legal rights as people. The new film examines how, since the 2008 economic collapse, corporations claim to have changed, passing themselves off as socially responsible. A fine balance of righteous indignation and rapier insight, the film boasts numerous indelible moments. [...] Encyclopaedic and precise, with sharp visual flourishes, The New Corporation boasts a who's who of thinkers and activists, including Anand Giridharadas, Robert Reich, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and first-term US congresswoman Katie Porter. [...]. »
-- Steve Gravestock

Source :
"2020 Toronto International Film Festival" Toronto International Film Festival.