Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Patricia Watson (partial data)

Also known as: Patricia Burwash
Country: Canada
Born: 1930
Died: 2015

Films directed by Patricia Watson

Quote about Patricia Watson

"[Patricia Watson] started her career as a screenwriter in the 50s at the National Film Board in Montreal. In the late 60s and 70s she was in Toronto with husband and co-creator of film, director Allan King. Pat worked at TVO in the late 70s with her good friend/TV producer Babs Church and made several breakthrough documentaries on immigration, adoption and women in mid-life."
-- Toronto Star Death Notices (source)

For QUOTES about a specific film by Patricia Watson, please see:   The Invention of the Adolescent    The Legacy of Mary McEwan   

Notes about Patricia Watson


Bibliography for Patricia Watson

Section 1: Publications about the Films of Patricia Watson

The Purse (1966)

Journal Articles

The Invention of the Adolescent (1967)  (also known as: "L'adolescence, une invention récente")

Brief Sections of Books

Journal Articles

The Legacy of Mary McEwan (1987)

Journal Articles

Archival Collections

These archival institutions have holdings related to Patricia Watson or her films:

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