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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Donna Conway King (données partielles)

Autres noms : Donna Conway, Donna King

Films réalisés par Donna Conway King

Citation de Donna Conway King [en anglais]

« My brother was getting married and his wife worked in the Parliament Buildings and she said—I'll get you a job in the Conservative Government. George Patton, who was head of the [Ontario Motion Picture] Bureau, interviewed me and I got the job. I started as Patton's secretary, and I got kind of fed up with that and got interested in the making of films, editing, cutting and so on. I did all these things, but I was quite young and it was before the days of women's liberation and men sort of resented that. Cameramen, who were maybe twice of my age, they didn't care for taking orders from a twenty year old girl. However, I got on alright... »
-- Donna Conway King (source)

Citation sur Donna Conway King [en anglais]

« From 1923 to 1934 [Donna Conway King] worked for the Ontario Motion Picture Bureau, a provincial agency with a mandate to produce educational films for Ontario farmers. Beginning as a stenographer, she worked her way through producer/director's assistant and editor, to become a director herself. Through the vicissitudes of the shifting film industry, she ended her career as a writer in the publicity department, and left the paid labour force when she married. »
-- Kay Armatage (source)

Pour lire les CITATIONS sur un film spécifique de Donna Conway King, veuillez voir :   Help the Blind to Help Themselves   

Notes sur Donna Conway King


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