Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Caroline Monnet (partial data)

Country: Canada

Films directed by Caroline Monnet

Quote by Caroline Monnet

"My artistic work addresses identity. As a Native woman in Canada, that often equates to political action. I want to represent my people in an authentic way, from inside, far from prejudices and victimization, to show a modern, intense, strong people, with their own problems. It is important to not be part only of collective exhibitions of Native artists, but to show as artists, that though we happen to be Native, we are also contemporary artists. Our movies do not have to be limited to Native selections, or Native festivals. They should appear in general selections, and be considered at the same level than anyone else's productions."
-- Caroline Monnet (source)

Quote about Caroline Monnet [in French]

"Père breton, mère anishinaabe, Caroline Monnet s'impose aujourd'hui comme l'une des voix modernes de la culture autochtone par le biais du cinéma, de l'installation et de la sculpture."
-- Michel Coulombe (source)

For QUOTES about a specific film by Caroline Monnet, please see:   The Embargo Project    Creatura Dada    Bootlegger   

Bibliography for Caroline Monnet

Section 1: Publications about Caroline Monnet

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Section 2: Publications about the Films of Caroline Monnet

The Embargo Project (2015)  (also known as: "Bihttoš", "Entwined", "Intemperance", "Rebel", "Roberta", "Skyworld")

Journal Articles

Bootlegger (2021)

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

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