Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Barb Cranmer (partial data)

Films directed by Barb Cranmer

Quote by Barb Cranmer

"I feel strong when I put together a film or work within something that's about our people's way of life, our culture, and I get strength from doing that, it makes me feel stronger as a person that I can come to another project, a bigger project and take on the challenges of doing that. I think my voice comes from that really strong cultural basis, and I think that's allowed me to be doing films today, because of that strong connection to community and strong connection to culture and knowing who I am and what I speak for."
-- Barb Cranmer (source)

Bibliography for Barb Cranmer

Section 1: Publications about Barb Cranmer

Brief Sections of Books

Archival Collections

These archival institutions have holdings related to Barb Cranmer or her films:

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