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Citation :
« As a woman filmmaker, I am honored to have Stories Are in Our Bones launched online and accessible on [the National Film Board of Canada's] website for International Women's Day. As a Cree woman, I am grateful to highlight my mother, Marian Otter, my matriarch, who has always been so generous with her love and her teachings to myself and others. It's only fitting that it be shared online, as it reflects our family values to keep sharing our stories. I am proud of my sons for [participating] in the fishing and harvesting of land that is reflected in this documentary. This film is only a small portion of an ongoing journey into land-based learning. »
-- Janine Windolph

Source :
SCHILLING, Vincent. « Cree filmmaker releases 'Stories are in Our Bones' on International Women's Day », Indian Country Today, 8 mars 2020. [en anglais]