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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Citation :
« When Anthology Films came into existence in New York, which was a place to collect classics of the New Cinema as well as world cinema, the founders of it were the same men who judged which films were classics and which weren't. Naturally they got a selection of the male Structuralists and didn't choose any films made by women. Since their policy was never to give out reasons of choice or rejection, I never had a clue, and had to surmise that none of my works were classics. [...] The whole thing I am talking about made me very strong because I left it behind. It is no different than what has happened to many other women. It is really a wonder that any women filmmakers have managed to survive. »
-- Joyce Wieland

Source :
MAGIDSON, Debbie et Judy WRIGHT. « Interviews with Canadian artists: Debbie Magidson and Judy Wright interview Joyce Wieland », entretien avec Joyce Wieland, Canadian Forum, mai-juin 1974. (pp. 61-62) [en anglais]