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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Citation :
« Some of the [Canadian] students really liked [Reason over Passion]. People in New York or Canada wonder why I made such a film. But Canadians were really overwhelmed. It was like a fantastic compliment given to them. In New York, on the other hand, they might accuse me of being a rightist for feeling that way about my country. Maybe some of them didn't see the irony. People have hissed when Trudeau's statement, 'Reason over passion; that is the theme of all my writing' comes on and the applause begins, because they don't understand that there is an irony in that. People here [in New York] just don't believe and say that it must be a propaganda film. »
-- Joyce Wieland

Source :
FRAMPTON, Hollis et Joyce WIELAND. « 'I Don't Even Know about the Second Stanza' [transcription of 1971 conversation] » , dans The Films of Joyce Wieland, sous la direction de Kathryn Elder, Toronto, Toronto International Film Festival Group, 1999. [en anglais] (p. 176)