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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Citation :
« The videotape recording (VTR) project in St-Jacques is an attempt to extend to its logical conclusion the conviction that people should participate in shaping their own lives, which means among other things directing and manipulating the tools of modern communication necessary to gaining and exercising that participation. »
-- Dorothy Todd Hénaut, Bonnie Sherr Klein

Source :
SHERR KLEIN, Bonnie et Dorothy TODD HÉNAUT. « In the Hands of Citizens: A Video Report (1969) » , ["Originally appeared in the Challenge for Change/Société nouvelle newsletter (Access/Médium-Média), no. 4, Spring/Summer 1969."] dans Challenge for Change: Activist Documentary at the National Film Board of Canada, sous la direction de Michael Brendan Baker, Thomas Waugh et Ezra Winton, Montreal, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2010. [en anglais] (pp. 24-25)