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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Citation :
« One pleasant surprise [...] is the return of Joyce Wieland, a founding figure of the Canadian avant-garde, with a new movie, A and B in Ontario. Although Wieland gave up filmmaking after she completed The Far Shore about a decade ago, she collaborated with Hollis Frampton to make A and B, finishing it herself after his death in the spring of 1984. The film has a deceptively playful surface; basically, the two artists chasing each other around with compact Bolex cameras for 15 minutes. However, the striking compositions and Wieland's deft editing of footage dating from the sixties make A and B a fascinating meditation on that basic grammatical figure of movies, the point-of-view shot. »
-- Bart Testa

Source :
TESTA, Bart. « Experimental offerings reveal technical skill and a wealth of ideas », Globe and Mail, 12 septembre 1985. [en anglais]