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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Citation :
« Having the Zoo parked around us in their various cages and runs at the Spokane Studio was good experience and a time-saver because if an animal didn't feel up to snuff we could switch to the interiors on the dark stage of the dancehall set built under the diffusers. We had our own projection room and the Dailies came up from Hollywood so we were never too far from retakes. The [bear] cub, Brownie, had a significant role in the picture [The Grub-Stake], and, with her friend, Laddie [the dog], was given the freedom of the Lot. »
-- Nell Shipman

Source :
SHIPMAN, Nell. The Silent Screen & My Talking Heart: An Autobiography, Boise, Idaho, Boise State University, 1987. [en anglais] (p. 108)