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Citation :
« A [National] Film Board [of Canada] guy said it [Not a Love Story: A Film about Pornography] was undistributable at first, then he sold the rights to a company that distributed porn movies. We saw an ad for it in Washington, D.C., with porn movies. We forced the NFB to buy it back. In the year we distributed it, there was always someone crying in the restroom afterwards. People still tell me that this film changed their life—it caused them to leave a relationship or it changed their career. »
-- Bonnie Sherr Klein

Source :
SPANER, David. « Bonnie Sherr Klein: Radical icon; Named to the Order of Canada in 2013, Klein has created controversial activist films for over 40 years », entretien avec Bonnie Sherr Klein, Point of View: POV, no. 91, automne 2013. [en anglais]