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Citation :
« Forbidden Love (1992) is the film to see—for every lesbian wannabe out for a quick fix, every heterosexual queer curious about the past, every out-of-it straight who's read Newsweek and wants to know where lesbian chic came from. It's the movie of choice for dykes who suffered through Claire of the Moon (1992), tore their hair out over Fried Green Tomatoes (1991), who wondered when—when, oh lord, when—someone would get around to telling the truth about the life. Take heart. Lynne Fernie and Aerlyn Weissman have made the film you've been yearning to see. »
-- B. Ruby Rich

Source :
RICH, B. Ruby. « True Stories of Forbidden Love » , ["This chapter originally appeared as 'Making Love', Village Voice, March 24, 1992."] dans New Queer Cinema: The Director's Cut, Durham, N.C., Duke University Press, 2013. [en anglais] (p. 53)