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Citation :
« [Deepa] Mehta's trilogy [Fire, Earth, and Water] binds the elemental with the feminine and probes the way women are preyed upon and shackled by social institutions, pulverized and bartered by patriarchy. The trilogy represents in its totality a powerful and significant cultural challenge to the dominating masculine values and practices of oppression, subjugation and exploitation of women. Since Mehta happens to be a woman director, her courage in the face of intimidation by the largely patriarchal forces must be acknowledged as the immensely relevant preface to her film Water. »
-- Tutun Mukherjee

Source :
MUKHERJEE, Tutun. « Deepa Mehta's Film Water: The Power of the Dialectical Image », Canadian Journal of Film Studies / Revue canadienne d'études cinématographiques, vol. 17, no. 2 (automne 2008). (p. 36) [en anglais]