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« For Indigenous audiences [of Rustic Oracle], and specifically anybody that has gone through something that my character has gone through, I hope that they feel heard. I hope they feel understood. I hope they feel supported and not dismissed. Sonia (the director) has said on numerous occasions that the epidemic of MMIWG [Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls] has become very political. We've lost sight of the fact that these families are experiencing this. I hope that family members of MMIWG don't feel like they are alone in this. For non-Indigenous audiences, I hope it sparks some conversation. I hope it sparks action. I hope it sparks a desire in them to educate themselves of systemic racism, and the history of Canada regarding Indigenous people. »
-- Carmen Moore

Source :
COMMANDA, Erica. « Acclaimed actor Carmen Moore on Rustic Oracle, MMIWG, what's changed in the screen industry », entretien avec Carmen Moore, Muskrat Magazine, 24 février 2021. [en anglais]