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Citation :
« Sarah [Polley] wanted the imagery [in Women Talking] to feel as epic as the decision these women have to make. She wanted it to feel almost gothic in its nature, so that you feel the timelessness of what's happening. [...] We wanted the audience to feel a little displaced in a way that they didn't know quite what time period they were in. Hopefully what that does to the viewer is keep them a little more engaged and relating to the story. »
-- Luc Montpellier

Source :
HEMPHILL, Jim. « Where'd the color go? 'Women Talking' and 'Emancipation' cinematographers on why they desaturated their Oscar contenders: Luc Montpellier, Robert Richardson, and Rob Legato tell IndieWire about their film's bold and unusual approaches to color palettes », IndieWire, 12 janvier 2023. [en anglais]