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Citation :
« The Weekend, a gentle zephyr of a romantic comedy from Canadian writer-director Stella Meghie, practically dares its audience to make Woody Allen comparisons from the very beginning, as stark white-on-black title cards usher in a muted, clarinet-led jazz score of faintly mournful whimsy. Check. It continues: Our protagonist is a dry, lovelorn standup comic, inclined to drop references to Godard and Fellini in casual conversation, working out romantic issues against a backdrop of warm autumnal melancholy. Check, check, check. Yet if Meghie's easy, amiable film could be seen as a tribute of sorts to the embattled auteur, it also works to pointedly show up his (and many of his peers') blind spots. It's all set in California, for one thing, but more importantly, it's centered entirely on a quartet of African-American millennials—a demographic rarely called upon to carry this kind of generously talky, relationship-focused indie. »
-- Guy Lodge

Source :
LODGE, Guy. « Film Review: 'The Weekend' », critique de The Weekend, Variety, 13 septembre 2019. [en anglais]