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Citation :
« [Sarah] Polley strikes a hypnotizing rhythm amongst the women, who attack despair with cheeky humor (Women Talking is unexpectedly funny in parts) and uncertainty with astute deliberation, respectfully challenging each other on a course of action as much as lovingly braiding one another's hair. And it must be noted that, wisely, Polley never shows us the acts of violence committed on the women—perhaps because there is already too much of it out there. We only see what's been left in its wake, like scars, bruises and Ona's very pregnant belly. »
-- Tomris Laffly

Source :
LAFFLY, Tomris. « 'Women Talking' film review: Sarah Polley's searing drama contemplates revenge and forgiveness », critique de Women Talking, The Wrap, 3 septembre 2022. [en anglais]